Blood just gushing out the motherfucker, and here I am with an electrical cord trying to tie off the damn artery. You ever be laying by the side of the road covered in another man's blood talking to the cops and your girlfriend breaks up with you? I have.

FUNK brs @FUNKbrs

Age 43, Male

Misery Merchant


Joined on 10/28/00

Exp Points:
1,790 / 1,880
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5.53 votes
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Latest News


I got a show tomorrow at the Hitone small room with my queer folk punk band The Wailing Banshees.


There's also two shows next weekend in Atlanta with Stay Fashionable



I realize I should probably keep up better posting on NG all the shows I do. I doubt I've even mentioned Delta Ondine I've been drumming with for over a year now, even though that act has gotten me paid more than any other.

My cousin Dougie got out of rehab and wants to get a band together called Serotonin Syndrome. He says he's got a bassist and a drum kit.

Last time me and Dougie got a band together it was Indeed We Digress which was really successful. We also played in los Psychosis together.

Dougie is a bit of a character. He drastically changes his personality every few months to be almost a caricature of a person. It's endlessly entertaining but really unhinged. He's a weird guy and he's done a lot of weird shit.

I'm kind of down if can get booked, but I'm probably not gonna put too much effort.

It's wild to think back on all the bands I've been in and people I've played with. So much insane and improbable shit has happened at a certain point it's stops being believable, even to me as I lived it. I see the evidence everywhere but somehow I still feel like it's all made up.

There's whole recordings of songs I wrote with bands I barely remember being in.

It's incredibly surreal. I'm a deeply unserious looking person but I've done all kinds of serious stuff. Like if you me in a bar and I told one of my stories you'd swear I was lying.

It makes it hard to relate to people. I do stuff all the time other people only experience in tv shows and movies.

I say this because it's incredibly unglamorous to crash on floors and live in rest stops and gas stations.

I don't think I'll be the first person to point out financially you're lucky to break even.

I'm old as shit and i'm still playing tons of shows, even after a fucking plague.

It makes me difficult to relate to.

I've been really spaced out and batshit crazy this year. I think it's because it's an election year and there's been so much big shit going on in the news. I went crazy in 2017 and nothing was ever normal again.

But I can play drums pretty good and mandolin okay. Which ironically makes everything somehow ever crazier.

Why can't I have a normal ass skill like welding?


Recent Game Medals

31,985 Points

leave house 10 Points


Level 16 50 Points

Run as fast as you can

Level 15 25 Points

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Level 14 25 Points

Neutral wall

BOSS 3 DOWN 10 Points

Defeat boss 3

BOSS 2 DOWN 5 Points

Defeat the second boss

BOSS 1 DOWN 5 Points

Defeat the first boss

Level 13 25 Points

This should be easy

Level 12 25 Points

Quick Victory: finish with him as soon as possible

Level 11 25 Points


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Added to bosses for Cathode Raybots Feb 18, 2013.