Here's a picture of the show taken by local tambourine player, booking agent, and merch vendor Maribeth.
Ashe couldn't make the show because he had to work.
I took the kid and he managed to last for three sets, which is pretty good considering it was hot as unholy fuck.
Here's another pic taken by my girlfriend, Jana:
I gotta remember to post more about shows. I've been kinda out of it mentally for a month or two, but I'm finally getting my shit together. Not that I haven't been working and doing the occasional show.
I feel like I should double down on promoting on NG, because this place deserves my content and other places don't.
I mean, just look at fucking Twitter. Goddamn it's a shithole now.
And FB? Everything's limited as fuck if you're self promoting.
So I guess this is special content for all my newgrounders.
A dog as the backup singer? Now that's some based punk.
also completely unrelated, but I suck at
Konkr is fucking hard. I've beaten like 85% of it. Some of the later levels are just like, WTF?